Entry-point authentication on mobile devices
- Usability
- Inconvenient for quick activities
- Sacrifice security
- Short passwords
- Increased screen lock time-outs
- Disable unlock
- Higher risk of thief
- Touch-based behavioral biometric authentication
Data Source
- Android phones
- Tasks: read documents, compare images
- Raw features
- Event code
- Finger up
- Finger down
- Finger move
- Multi-touch
- Event time
- Device orientation
- x, y coordinates of finger
- Finger pressure
- Area on the screen covered by the finger
- Finger orientation with respect to screen orientation
- Recording Tool
- APP for reading documents and viewing different images
- Input user ID
- links to the documents and images
Touch-based Gestures
- Trigger-actions
- Sliding horizontally over the screen
- Browse through images
- Navigate to next page of icons
- Sliding vertically over the screen
- Reading email, documents, webpages
- Browsing menus
- Only record trigger-actions
- Complex gestures are not frequent
- Unable to get enough features from "click"
- Stroke
- Sequence of touch data starting with touching the screen, ending with lifting the finger
- Sequence of vectors
- sn=(xn,yn,tn,pn,An,onf,onph), n∈{1,2,...,N}
- xn, yn, location
- tn, time stamp
- pn, pressure on screen
- An, area occluded by the finger
- onf, orientation of the finger
- onph, orientation of the phone (landscape or portrait)
- 30 features
- Information entropy
- Most informative single features
- Area covered by fingertip
- 20% percentile of the stroke velocity
- Fingertip pressure on screen
- Direction of the stroke
- x-position coordinate more informative than y-position coordinate
- kNN
- Using a k-d tree
- Euclidian distance
- k between 1-7
- Combine scores of multiple strokes
- Threshold of combined score
- Users not try to mimic the touch behavior of another user
- Hard to mimic 30 features by human
- Malware APP can try to learn users' behavior
- Screen size may affect touch behavior
- Smart phone
- Small screen
- Need more scrolling
- Tablet computer
- Large screen
- Less scrolling
- More degrees of freedom
- Touchalytics: On the Applicability of Touchscreen Input as a Behavioral Biometric for Continuous Authentication, 2013
- Touchalytics
- CS 259D Lecture 7