Polymorphic Blending Attacks
- Study polymorphic blending attack
- Why network anomaly IDS based on payload statistics not work
- Case study: 1-gram and 2-gram PAYL
- Polymorphic attacks
- IP/TCP transformations
- Mutation exploits (Vigna et al.)
- Fragroute, Whisker, AGENT, Mistfall, tPE, EXPO, DINA, ADMutate, PHATBOT, JempiScodes
- Defenses against polymorphism
- Looking for executable code (Toth et al.)
- Looking for similar structure in multiple code instances (Kruegel et al.)
- Looking for common substrings present in multiple code instances (Polygraph)
- Looking for any exploit of a known vulnerability (Shield)
- Looking for instruction semantics, detect known code transformations (Cristodorescu et al.)
- Detect sequence of anomalous system calls (Forest et al.)
- Can be defeated through mimicry attacks.
- New approaches use stack information but they can also be defeated
- Payload-based anomaly detection
- Use length, character distribution, probabilistic grammar and tokens to model HTTP traffic (Kruegel et al.)
- Record byte frequency for each port's traffic (PAYL)
Blending Attacks
Scheme of a polymorphic blending attack
Polymorphism Attacks
- Disguise the packets as normal traffic
- Change the contents of packets to make them look different from each other
- Exploit code, not used in normal
- Making attacks look different from each other rather than normal
Three Components of Polymorphic Attack
- Attack Vector
- Modified part, invariant part
- If the attack invariant is very small and exists in the normal traffic
- Could cause high FP of IDS
- Attack Body (shellcode)
- Register shuffling
- Equivalent instruction substitution
- Instruction reordering
- Garbage insertions
- Encryption
- Polymorphic Decryptor
- Apply to decrypt shellcode and transfers control to shellcode
- Obfuscate decryptor code
Detection of Polymorphic Attacks
- Exploit code and/or input data contain some characters that have very low probability of appearing in a normal packet
- This deviation can be detected
Polymorphic Blending Attacks (PBA)
- Making attacks looks different from each other
- Adjust their byte frequency to match that of legitimate traffic (look like normal)
- Assumption of Realistic Attack Scenario
- The adversary has already compromised a host X inside a network A which communicates with the target host Y inside network B
- The adversary has knowledge of the IDSB that monitors the victim host network
- IDS of Network B is a payload statistics based system (e.g., PAYL)
- The IDSB has a threshold setting that can be adjusted to obtain a desired false positive rate
- The adversary does not know the exact value of the threshold used by IDSB
- The adversary has estimated the generally acceptable false positive and false negative rates
- Adversary's actions
- Control host X
- Observe the normal traffic going from X to Y
- Estimate a normal profile (artificial profile) for this traffic by the same modeling technique as IDSB using
- Creative mutated instances to match the artificial profile
- If IDSB fails on analysing the mutated packets, the adversary succeeds in attacking
- Adversary's trade-off
- Attack size
- Monitor network flow size
- Process speed
- Attack should be economical in time and space
- High system resource usage could cause local IDS (e.g., IDSA or host-based IDS) to initiate alerts
Steps of Polymorphic Blending Attacks
Step 1 Learning The IDS Normal Profile
- Sniffing the network traffic
- Generates artificial profile
- More normal packets captured more closer to the normal profile
- Profile
- Maximum, average size of packets
- Rate of packets
- Byte frequency distribution
- Range of tokens at different offsets
Step 2 Attack Body Encryption
- To match the normal profile
- Substituting every character
- Padded with some garbage data
- Reversible operation
- Generated suitable substitution table
Step 3 Generate Polymorphic Decryptor
- Remove padding
- re-substitute characters
- The decryptor routine is not encrypted but be mutated
Attack Packet Design
- Find a normal profile that similar to the attack packet
- Character frequency (substitution table)
- If no significantly different between new and old substitution tables, replace old by new
- Packet length
- Longer than the attack packet
- Plan B: divide attack body into multiple small packets
Evading PAYL
Evading 1-gram
- Minimize the maximum frequency difference
- ω^, substituted attack body before padding
- ω´, substituted attack body after padding
- ∥ω∥, length of ω
- i, index of characters
- x, characters
- xi, the ith of the characters
- λ, # occurrences
- λi, # occurrences of xi
- ∥ω´∥=∥ω^∥+∑i=1nλi
- f(xi), relative frequency of character xi in normal traffic
- f^(xi), relative frequency of character xi in substituted attack traffic
- λi=∥ω´∥f(xi)−∥ω^∥f^(xi)
- For some characters, f(xi)<f^(xi)
- The most frequent such character need not be padded
- Let δ=max(f^(xi)/f(xi)) be the maximum overuse
- λi=∥ω^∥(δf(xi)−f^(xi))
- To minimize padding we need to minimize δ
- Case 1: attack chars are less numerous than legitimate chars
- A greedy algorithm that generates one-to-many mapping
- Sort characters by frequency in attack and legitimate traffic
- Match frequencies in decreasing order
- Remaining legitimate characters are assigned to attack characters that have highest to bring it down
- Case 2: attack chars are more numerous than legitimate chars
- A greedy algorithm that generates many-to-one mapping
- Construct a Huffman tree where leaves are characters in the attack traffic, and smallest two nodes are iteratively connected (thus most frequent characters have shortest length)
- We must choose (not random) the labels for the edges so to preserve the original legitimate character frequency
- Sort vertices in the tree by weight
- Sort legitimate characters by their frequency
- Choose the highest frequency character for the highest weight vertex
- Remove the vertex from the list and remove the given portion of the character's frequency from further consideration
- Resort the characters
Evading 2-gram
- Must match all 2-byte pairs
- Represent valid 2-grams as states in FSM
- A simple approach will enumerate valid paths in FSM and map attack characters to paths randomly but this generates large code size
- Better mapping can be obtained by using entropy information, i.e., mapping frequent characters to short paths
- Another approach will attempt to find single byte mappings so that 2-grams are also matched
- Greedy algorithm sorts 2-grams by frequencies in legitimate and attack traffic and matches them greedily taking care not to violate any existing mappings
- Generate padding so to match the target distribution greedily
Experiment Setup
Attack Vector
- Windows Media Services (MS03-022)
- Exploits a vulnerability with logging of user requests
- Attacker vector 99 bytes
- Presented at the start of the HTTP request
- For buffer overflow attack must send 10KB of data
- Attack body opens a TCP connection and sends registry files
- Size of attack body is 558B and contains 109 unique characters
- Attack was divided into multiple packets
- Divide decryptor into several packets
- If final blending attack packet after padding not up to 10KB, send normal packets
- Captured 15 days of HTTP traffic
- From one department
- 14 days' traffic to train the IDS (4,356,565 packets, 1.9GB)
- Last day's traffic is used by the attacker to learn character distributions
- Only TCP data packets are used that do not contain known attacks
- IDS builds profiles per packet length
- Selected three frequent packet sizes for the attack
PAYL Training
- PAYL training time increases with the size of the training data because new packets carry more unique n-grams
Traditional Polymorphic Attacks (CLET)
- Tested CLET-generated polymorphic attacks against PAYL
- CLET only adds padding to match byte frequency
- Other polymorphic engines perform worse than CLET against PAYL
- CLET attack sequence will avoid PAYL detection only if all packets have an anomaly score above the threshold
- Both 1-gram and 2-gram PAYL detected all attacks with chosen threshold setting
Polymorphic Blending Attack
Artificial Profile
- Training of the artificial profile is stopped when there is no significant improvement over existing profile (measured using Manhattan distance) within two packets
1-gram and 2-gram Attacks
- For 1-gram attacks used one-to-one substitution cipher
- For 2-gram attacks used single byte encoding scheme
- Two types of transformations were tested
- Global substitution
- Substitution table is constructed for entire attack body
- Single decoding table used to decode the whole attack flow
- Local substitution
- Substitution table is constructed for each packet separately
- Each packet corresponds to a decoding table
- Padding space reduced
- If attack characters are more numerous than those in legitimate traffic, non-existing characters were used
- 2-gram IDS had consistently higher anomaly scores for attacks but it also had higher thresholds to avoid false positives
- Overall similar performance as 1-gram IDS
- More costly for IDS
- Local substitution always outperformed global substitution
Countermeasures of IDS
- IDS Models
- More complex models
- Blend more models
- Features
- Syntactic and semantic information
- High speed hardware
- Measure randomness
Limitations and Improvements
- PAYL is the only case study
- Are the assumption of PBA are realistic
- Explore techniques for continuous data streams
- Polymorphic Blending Attacks, Fogla et al, 2006
- CDA6938 Special Topic:Research in Computer and Network Security (Spring 2007)
- CIS 864 - Advanced Topics in Network Security - Spring 2007
- Sergio Pastrana, Agustin Orfila, Juan E. Tapiador, Pedro Peris-Lopez, Randomized Anagram revisited, In Journal of Network and Computer Applications, Volume 41, 2014, Pages 182-196, ISSN 1084-8045,
- CS 259D Lecture 14