BotMiner: Clustering Analysis of Network Traffic for Protocol- and Structure-Independent Botnet Detection
Background Knowledge and Insights
- The Botnet is like an army
- Bots act a similar/correlated way
- Non-human driven
- Programmed to perform C&C logic/communications
*Communication patterns not change, even varying C&C serve IPs or neighbor peers
- Otherwise, degenerate into a group of unrelated/isolated infections
- A botnet should be different from a set of isolated individual malware instances
Goals and Contributions
- Detection is grounded on the definition and essential properties, no a priori knowledge
- A new "aggregated communication flow" (C-flow)
- BotMiner
- Assume
- Bots within the same botnet will be characterized by similar malicious activities and similar C&C communication patterns
- Detection method
- Cluster similar communication traffic
- Who is talking to whom
- C-plane (C&C communication traffic)
- Cluster similar malicious traffic
- Who is doing what
- A-plane (Activity traffic)
- Perform cross-cluster correlation
- Find a coordinated group pattern
- Priori knowledge
- Botnet's protocol
- Captured bot binaries (botnet signatures)
- C&C server names/addresses
- Content of the C&C communication
- Objectives
- Independent of the protocol and structure
- Resistant to changing location
- Independent of the content of communication
- Low false positive
- Low false negative
- Efficient
C-plane Monitor
- Who is talking to whom
- Limit to TCP and UDP
- Each flow record contains
- Time
- Duration
- Source IP
- Source port
- Destination IP
- Destination port
- # packets, both directions
- Bytes, both directions
A-plane Monitor
- Who is doing what
- Analyses outbound traffic
- Based on Snort, with some modifications
- Detects several types of malicious activities
- Scanning
- SCADE (Statistical Scan Anomaly Detection Engine)
- Two anomaly detection modules (OR)
- Abnormally-high scan rate
- Weighted failed connection rate
- Spamming
- Developed a new Snort plug-in
- PE (Portable Executable) binary downloading
- PEHunter
- BotHunter
- Egg download detection method
- Egg:full malicious binary program
- Exploit
- Easily add others
- A-plane monitoring alone is not sufficient for botnet detection purpose
- A-plane activities are not exclusively used in botnets
- Loose design will generate a lot of false positives
C-plane Clustering
- Basic-filtering (F1, F2)
- Irrelevant traffic flows (F1)
- Internal hosts
- From external hosts to internal hosts
- Not completely established (F2)
- White-listing (F3)
- Flows with well-known destinations
- Given an epoch E, aggregate into communication flows (C-flows)
- ci={fj}j=1..m, C-flow
- Where fj have same protocol (TCP/UDP), source IP, destination IP & port
- m, # TCP/UDP flows
- Feature extraction
- For each C-flow
- Temporal
- # flows per hour (fph)
- # bytes per second (bps)
- Spatial
- # packets per flow (ppf)
- # bytes per packets (bpp)
- 13 bins per feature
- Dimension of features, d=4×13=52
- Two-step Clustering
- Clustering C-flows is a challenging task
- Large networks
- Large feature space
- Small percentage of bots
- X-means, a variant of k-means
- Not require the user to choose the number of clusters
- Feature reduction
- d=52 to d′=8
- {Avg,SD}×{fph,ppf,bpp,bps}
- First-step, Coarse grained clustering on entire dataset, d′=8
- Second-step, Fine-grained clustering on multiple smaller clusters using all features, d=52
- FP and FN can be reduced by A-plane
A-plane Clustering
- Two-layer
- Cluster according to the activity types
- Scan activity features
- Scanning ports
- Target subnet
- Spam activity features
- Highly overlapped SMTP connection destinations
- Binary download
- Capture and compare the first portion (packet) of the binary
- Cluster according to the activity features
Cross-plane Correlation
- Calculate botnet score, s(h), for every host h
- Similarity score between host hi and hj
- Indication function (boolean value)
- Hierarchical clustering
Limitations and Potential Solutions
- Evading C-plane monitoring and clustering
- Utilize a legitimate website
- Maybe not able to hide this secondary URL and the corresponding communications
- Manipulate their communication patterns
- Still could be clustered together just like P2P
- Randomize individual communication patterns
- Measure the distribution and entropy of communication features
- Normal user communications may not have such randomized patterns
- Mimic the communication patterns of normal hosts
- Covert channels
- Communication randomization, mimicry attacks and covert channel represent limitations for all traffic-based detection approaches
- Evading A-plane monitoring/clustering
- Stealthy malicious activities
- Botmaster commands each bot randomly and individually to perform different task
- Differentiate the bots and avoid commanding bots in the same monitored network the same way
- Distributed monitors, larger monitored space
- Use complementary systems like BotHunter
- Evading cross-plane analysis
- Extremely delayed task
- Use multiple-day data and cross check back several days
- Impedes attack efficiency
- The bot may be offline or powered off