A Multi-Model Approach to the Detection of Web-Based Attacks
Background Knowledge and Insights
Assumptions of Anomaly Detection
- Relay on models of the intended behavior of user and application
- Assume attack patterns is different from normal behavior
- The difference can be expressed either quantitatively or qualitatively
- Interprets deviations from this "normal" behavior as evidence
Web Security
- Web servers accessible by outside world
- Web apps developed with security as an afterthought
- Misuse-based detection
- Example: Snort
- 1037 out of 2464 signatures
- Hard to keep up-to-date
- Time-intensive, error-prone, requires significant security expertise
- Challenge with apps developed in-house
- Unable to detect un-modeled attacks
- Anomaly-based
- Applicable to custom-developed web apps
- Support detection of new attacks
Goals and Contributions
- Unsupervised, learning-based anomaly detection
- Deployed on host
- A number of different models
- Reduce vulnerability of mimicry attacks
- Target specific types of applications
Sample Date
Data set |
Time interval |
Size (MByte) |
HTTP queries |
Programs |
Program requests |
Attributes |
Google |
1 h |
236 |
640,506 |
3 |
490,704 |
1,611,254 |
297 days |
1001 |
9,951,174 |
2 |
4617 |
7993 |
TU Vienna |
80 days |
251 |
2,061,396 |
8 |
713,500 |
765,399 |
Data model
- An ordered set U={u1,u2,...,um} of URIs
- Extract from successful GET requests
- 200≤return-code<300
- Components of ui
- Path to desired resource: pathi
- Optional path information: pinfoi
- Optional query string: q
- Following a
- Passing parameters to referenced resource
- Attributes and values: q=(a1,v1),(a2,v2),...,(an,vn)
- A, the set of all attributes, ai belongs to A
- vi, string
- Sq={a1=v1,a2=v2,...,an=vn}
- URIs without query strings not included in U
- Ur: subset of U with resource path r
- Partition U
- Anomaly detection run independently on each Ur
Detection models
- One query, one model
- Alerting on a single anomalous attribute is necessarily cautious
- Training mode
- Create profiles for each server-side program and each of its attributes
- Establish suitable thresholds
- Store the highest anomaly score
- Default thresholds: 10% larger than the max anomaly score in training mode
- Detection mode
- Task: returns probability p of normalcy
- Anomaly Score, ∑m∈Modelswm(1−pm)
- Has an associated weight w
- Default value=1, in this paper
Attribute length
- Length distribution not follow a smooth curve
- Distribution has a large variance
- Fixed size tokens
- Short input strings
- Buffer overflow: shell code and padding
- Estimate mean μ and variance σ2 of lengths in training data
- Strings with length larger than mean
- If length<mean, p=1
- Padding not effective
- Chebyshev inequality is weak bound
- Useful to flag only significant outliers
Attribute character distribution
- Character distribution: sorted relative frequencies
- Lost connection between individual characters and relative frequencies
: 0.33, 0.17, 0.17, 0.17, 0.17, 0, ..., 0
- As same as
- Fall smoothly for human-readable tokens
- Fall quickly for malicious input
- Observations about attributes
- Regular structure
- Mostly human readable
- Almost always contain only printable characters
- Frequencies of query parameters distribution
- Similar identical to a standard English text
- Repeated padding characters cause frequencies drop extremely fast
- Example
- Buffer overflow: needs to send binary data and padding
- Directory traversal exploit: many
in attribute value
- Character distribution of each observed attribute is stored
- Average of all character distributions computed
- Variant of the Pearson χ2-test
- Bins: {[0],[1,3],[4,6],[7,11],[12,15],[16,255]}
- For each query attribute:
- Compute character distribution
- Observed frequencies Oi : Aggregate over bins
- Expected frequencies Ei : Learned character distribution attribute length
- Compute: χ2=∑i=0i<6Ei(Oi−Ei)2
- Read corresponding probability
Structural Inference
- Parameter structure
- Regular grammar describing all of its legitimate values
- Exploits requiring different parameter structure
- Examples: Buffer overflow, directory traversal, XSS
- Simple manifestations of an exploit
- Unusually long parameters
- Parameters containing repetitions of non-printable characters
- Evasion
- Replace non-printable characters by groups of printable characters
- Seems to be "reasonable"
- Stop before lost much structural information
- Goal: Find a model(NFA) with highest likelihood given training examples
- Markov model/Non-deterministic finite automaton (NFA)
- "Reasonable generalization"
- Ps(o): probability of emitting symbol o at state S
- P(t): probability of transition t
- Output: paths from Start state to Terminalstate
- Bayesian model induction
- P(model∣training_data)=p(training_data)p(training_data∣model)∗p(model)
- P(training_data) a scaling factor; ignored
- P(model): preference towards smaller models
- Total number of states: N
- Total number of transitions at each state S: T(S)
- Total number of emissions at each state S: E(S)
- Start with a model exactly reflecting input data
- Gradually merge states
- Until posterior probability does not increase
- Cost: O((n∗L)3) with n training input strings, and L maximum length of each string
- Up to n∗L states
- 2(n∗L)(n∗L−1) comparisons for each merging
- Up to n∗(L−1) merges
- Optimizations
- Viterbi path approximations
- Path prefix compression
- Cost: O(n∗L2)
- First option: Compute probability of query attribute
- Issue: probabilities of all input words sum up to 1
- all words have small probabilities
- Output:
- p=1 if word is a valid output of Markov model
- p=0 otherwise
Token finder
- Goal: determine whether values of an attribute are drawn from an enumerated set of tokens
- Web applications often require one out of a few possible values for certain query attributes
- Use these attributes to pass illegal values
- Argument are enumerated or random value
- r.v.: when the number of different argument instances grows proportional to the total number of argument instances
- Enumeration: not exit that increase
- Compute correlation ρ between f and g
- f(x)=x
- g(x), g is like a "enumeration counter"
- g(x)=g(x−1)+1 if xth value is new
- g(x)=g(x−1)−1 if xth value was seen before
- g(x)=0 if x=0
- Corr=√Var(f)Var(g)Covar(f,g)
- If Corr<0, then enumeration
- If enumeration, then store all values for use in detection phase
- If enumeration: value expected to be among stored values
- Output p=1 or p=0 correspondingly
- Hash table lookup, efficiency
- If random: p=1
Attribute presence or absence
- URIs typically produced not directly by user, but by scripts, forms, client-side programs
- Regularity in number, name, order of parameters
- Hand-crafted attacks typically break this regularity
- Incomplete or malformed requests to probe/exploit web app
- Missing argument
- Mutually exclusive arguments appearing together
- Create a model of acceptable subsets of attributes
- Record each distinct set Sq
- Each query q during training
- Hash table
- Lookup the attribute set in hash table
- Return p=1 or p=0 correspondingly
Attribute order
- Same parameters in the same order
- Sequential program logic preserves order even when some attributes left out
- Arbitrary
- No influence on the execution of the program
- Attribute as precedes at
- as, at appear together in at least one query
- as comes before at when they appear together
- Directed graph, G
- Vertex vi corresponds to attribute ai
- # vertices = # attributes
- For each training query, add edges between nodes of ordered attribute pairs
- Directed edges correspond to orders of attribute pairs
- Find all strongly connected components (SCC) of the graph
- Remove edges between nodes in same SCC
- Remove "order"s from disordered attributes groups
- For each node, find all reachable nodes
- Add corresponding pairs (as,at) to set of precedence orders O
- Tarjan's algorithm, O(v+e)
- Find all order violations
- Return p=0 or p=1 correspondingly
Access frequency
- Frequency patterns of different server-side web applications
- Two types of frequencies
- Frequency of application being accessed from a certain client
- Total frequency of all accesses
- Eg 1. Authentication script
- Very infrequently for each individual client
- Eg 2. Search script
- High for particular client
- Low for total
- Suddenly increase access frequency
- Probing
- Guess parameter values
- Evasion: slow down
- Divide training time to intervals of fixed time (e.g., 10 sec)
- Count accesses in each interval
- Find total and client-specific distributions
- Chebyshev probability for total, and for client
- Return average of the two probabilities
Inter-request time delay
- Regular delay between each successive request
- Surveillance
- Scripted probe
- Find distribution of normal delays
- Similar to character distribution model
- Pearson χ2-test
Invocation order
- Order of invocation of web-based applications for each client
- Infer session structure regularity
- Similar to structural inference model
- Sequence of queries, not
- Parameters syntax of a query
- Invocation order can be generated by a certain Markov model
- Can be detected when attacking application logic
- Cannot be outputed by that model
- Group queries based on source IP
- Session: Queries within an interval of time
- Build NFA for sessions
- Independent of server-side applications
- p=1 or p=0 depending on session being an output of NFA
- Google, nearly half of the number of false positives
- Anomalous search strings that contain instances of non-printable characters
- Probably requests issued by users with incompatible character sets
- Extremely long strings
- Such as URLs directly pasted into the search field
- A multi-model approach to the detection of web-based attacks, 2005
- CS 259D Lecture 8