Continuous Authentication for Mouse Dynamics: A Pattern-Growth Approach
Background Knowledge
- User Authentication Mechanism
- Only at the initial login session
- Continuous (re)authentication
- Passive
- Transparent to users
- Mouse dynamics
- Intrinsic behavioral variables
- Intrinsic human factors
- Biological or emotional status of the user
- External environmental variables
- Software environment, task, interaction mode
- No enough data for malicious users
- No public data set in mouse dynamics research
- Mouse Behavior Pattern
- Frequently recurring behavior segments
- Fixed series of consecutive operations
- Hypothesis
- Observation
- Measurements extracted from behavior patterns are more stable than from holistic behavior
- Assumption
- Recurring and fixed behavior patterns
- Provide more stable and discriminative features or measurements
- Allow to more accurately characterize the discriminable components of mouse behavior
- One-Class Classification
- Only legitimate user patterns are available
- Useing both the legitimate user's and impostors' samples is not practical
- Too much impostors' samples in realistic applications
Goal and Contribution
- Using a pattern-growth based mining method to extract frequent-behavior segments
- One-class classification
- Established a new mouse behavioral data set
- Develop a simple and efficient continuous user authentication method
Data(Mouse Behavior Data)
Data Source
- Set an experimental environment
- Same computer hardware configuration
- All users are college students(Some people majoring in computer science)
- 28 participants
- ~90,000 mouse actions/user
- 30 sessions
- Each 30 minute
- Internet surfing, word processing, online chatting, programming, online gaming
- Between 30-60 days per participant
- Data record
- Event type (e.g., mouse move/click), position, timestamp, application information
Mouse Behavior Analysis
- Mouse events
- System messages sent to receiving applications
- Inform current cursor position & mouse button status
- Types
- Mouse Down
- Mouse Up
- Mouse Wheel
- Mouse Move
- Mouse actions
- Single click
- Mouse down followed by mouse up
- Double click
- Common movement
- General mouse movement with no clicks
- Point and click movement
- Mouse movement followed by single/double click
- Drag and drop movement
- Mouse down, movement, mouse up
- Silence
- Encoded Mouse action into Mouse operation
- Mouse operation
- Truple:
<action-type, application-type, screen-area, window-position, timestamp>
- Mouse-Behavior pattern: recurring & fixed segments
- Micro-habitual patterns
- Subconscious/habitual factors urging GUI interactions
- Task-intended patterns
- Operating habits under certain applications (e.g., using certain function of an application)
- Example: creating a new document in a word processing app
Mouse Behavior Pattern Mining
- I={i1,i2,...,in}, a set of all mouse operations
- operation-set, a set of mouse operations
- Example: {(1,3,4,0),(2,1,4,0),(3,1,4,0)}
- s, sequence: ordered list of operation sets by user ID and timestamp
- s={s1,s2,...,sk}, each sj
- An operation-set (subset of I), sj⊂I, for 1≤j≤l
- Called an element of sequence s
- sj=⟨x1,x2,...,xm⟩, each xk is a mouse operation
- Example:
- s={⟨(1,3,4,0)⟩,⟨(1,3,4,0),(2,1,4,0),(3,1,4,0)⟩,⟨(2,1,2,1)⟩}
- length(s)=5
- α, a subsequence of s
- Example
- {⟨(1,3,4,0)⟩} is a subsequence of {⟨(1,3,4,0),(2,1,4,0),(3,1,4,0)⟩}
- L, length of sequence: the number of mouse operation instances
- L-sequence: A sequence of length L
- S, a mouse operation sequence database
- A set of triples ⟨ID,sid,s⟩
- ID, the user ID
- sid, a sequence ID
- s, a sequence
- SupportS(α) = # tuples in databases S that contain α
- Sequential pattern, if SupportS≥ξ
- Problem Statement
- Sequential mouse behavior pattern mining is
- Input
- Mouse operation sequence S
- minimun support threshold ξ
- Output
- Complete set of all frequent mouse behavior patterns in S
Mining Method
- PrefixSpan
- Mining Sequential Patterns by Pattern Growth: The PrefixSpan Approach (2004)
- Project the database into a set of smaller databases
- Based on set of patterns mined so far
- Mine locally frequent patterns in each projected database
References-Behavior Pattern Generation and Matching
- Create "baseline", normal behavior pattern generation
- For each user
- Mine behavior patterns from each session
- Collect all patterns as reference behavior pattern
- Pattern matching
- Given a new operation sequence match against mined patterns
- Search patterns
- Output all matching patterns
Behavior Pattern Analysis
- Set minimum support 8%
- Trade-off value, between minimum support and true effectiveness of behavior patterns
- Frequent-behavior patterns cannot be used directly
Feature Construction from Mined Pattern
- Click elapsed time
- Time spent by user to perform a click action
- Single click: Avg, SD of overall time
- Double click: Avg, SD of overall & 3 interval times
- Movement speed
- Average movement speed for different types of mouse movement
- 24 types: 8 directions, 3 distance ranges
- Movement acceleration
- Average acceleration for different types of mouse movement
- Similar to movement speed
- Relative position of extreme speed of the movement curve
- Example: 0.5 for middle position of movement speed curve
- Total: 92 features
- 20 click-related features
- 24 movement-related features
- Only from common & point-and-click movements
- 24 acceleration-related features
- 24 extreme-speed-related features
Empirical Feature Study
- Stability of Features in Behavior Pattern
- Feature can be skewed by
- Environmental variables
- Human factors
- Example
- Finding documents (Not sure where is it)
- Kernel density estimation
- a non-parametric way of estimating the probability density function (PDF) of a random variable
- Compute PDF for each feature from
- Behavior patterns
- Holistic behavior
- Discriminability of Features in Behavior Patterns
- The features extracted from behavior pattern evidently superior to those extracted from holistic behavior
- More stable
- More discriminable
- Statistical Dispersion of Features Across Subjects
Detection Implementation
- Nearest-Neighbor
- k=3
- Anomaly score
- Mahalanobis distance between test & training feature vectors
- Neural Network
- Single hidden layer
- Input nodes, p
- Hidden nodes, ⌊2p/3⌋
- Output node, 1
- Train the detector with every input feature vector to output =1.0
- Test-vector fed into network, output ∼ 1.0 or −1.0
- One-class SVM
- Samples are only come from the certain organization (college)
- No impostors' samples
- Need to collect data and train models for every deploy
- Continuous Authentication for Mouse Dynamics: A Pattern-Growth Approach (C. Shen et al., 2012)
- CS 259D Lecture 5